The Association of Registered Complementary Health Therapists of Ireland (ARCHTI) was established in 1999 and is a leading multi-therapy Association for Complementary Health Therapists and represents many therapies in Ireland today.

ARCHTI is a non-profit making organisation working on behalf of our Members to provide them with support from their fellow therapists; to protect their need to practice with autonomy and promote the desire for voluntary self-regulation in Ireland.

It is necessary that the Medical and Health Professionals feel confident that when they recommend a Therapist in the Complementary Health area that their patient will receive the best possible care and attention by fully qualified ethical registered Therapists.

It is equally necessary that every Member of the Public consulting a Complementary Health Therapist directly be assured they are receiving the best possible attention and treatment.

Membership of the Association is very strict and it is only after scrutiny of an applicant’s qualifications from an accredited Institute/Association/School/Training Course will membership be considered. Current Insurance Cover is required by each Member.