Recommendations from ARCHTI

We recommend that visitors to our website contemplating taking Training Courses check each course out thoroughly for themselves as we cannot be held responsible for any training or schools listed on our website as ultimately that responsibility must be borne by the person taking the training. However, we do recommend the Training Schools listed as being responsible, ethical and accredited. Sometimes schools will facilitate external trainers for certain courses/workshops/seminars and this form of training, in particular, cannot be verified by ourselves as often it is considered “add on” or CPD training which is taken in addition to qualifications already held by a Therapist.

Please note that the use of this site does not replace the need to consult a general medical practitioner. The Association of Registered Complementary Health Therapists of Ireland advises to always seek qualified professional medical advice before using complementary therapies.

It is necessary that the Medical and Health professions feel confident that when they recommend a Complementary Health Therapist that their patient will receive the best possible care and attention by fully qualified ethical registered Therapists. It is equally necessary that every Member of the Public consulting a Complementary Health Therapist directly be assured they are receiving the best possible attention and treatment. Membership of the ARCHTI is very strict and it is only after scrutiny of an applicant’s qualifications from an accredited Training Course will membership be considered. Current Insurance Cover is required by each Member.