Content must be acceptable by ARCHTI standards
(20% DISCOUNT to ARCHTI Members)
Flyers by Post ‐ based on approx 400 Members per mailing :
1. Up to 100g weight including your own C4 size envelope: €760.
2. Up to 100g weight including your own DL size envelope: €500.
Advertising material must be already inserted in envelopes provided by you.
EMAIL: Our “Pan Therapy News” is our online Newsletter which goes to all our currently paid up ARCHTI Members
with email addresses and generally that is about 400 per mailing.
Prepayment is required and all images/graphics must be submitted in “jpeg” format.
A link to your own website and email will be provided.
1. € 20 for inclusion with current outgoing edition and images/graphics limited to about 100 x 100 pixels.
2. €100 for separate emailing with images no larger than A4 size.
Adverts for some Training Courses need to be accredited by a recognised Accreditation Body and Workshops/Seminars be
conducted by a qualified Tutor/Trainer whose credentials will have to be submitted and verified by ARCHTI beforehand.
If you want to advertise PRODUCTS or Services in this eNews they should be suitable for health therapists and be available to
purchase either securely online or at a premises easily accessible to them.
WEBSITE Advertising:
Special Packages for regular advertisers and for Schools and Training Providers who refer their Students/Graduates to us for membership and insurance– please ask for details.
Product/Services : €400 per annum depending on size of advert – no large multi‐page adverts.
Short Term Adverts: €40 per wk/€100 per mth.
Products/Services MUST be relevant to the complementary health area.
Training Courses : Course/Workshop/Seminar: €20 per week/€75 per month
“ARCHTI Approved” CPD Courses—first Advertisement FREE included in approval fees.
Some Training Courses need be accredited by a recognised Accreditation Body and Workshops/
Seminars be conducted by a qualified Tutor/Trainer whose credentials will have to be submitted
and verified by ARCHTI beforehand.
Training Schools Page: 20% DISCOUNT to school whose Director/Tutor is an ARCHTI Member.
“ARCHTI Approved” Training—first year FREE advertising included in approval fees.
otherwise €300 per annum. Same rules apply as for Training Courses above.
Other Website Advertising: Home Page Banner Adverts:
Size limited to 240 pixels wide by 400 pixels long—ask for quote
General Advertising Page: e.g. Rooms to Rent, Pre‐owned Therapy Furniture please provide details re size of advert, length of advertising time required and we will quote
Terms & Conditions: All advertising must be paid for in advance by cheque/bank draft/postal order or by PayPal.
Payments from outside Republic of Ireland paid into ARCHTI Bank Account through IBAN or BIC or by bank draft in €euro.
Above prices subject to change.