
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Where can I find an ITEC Accredited Training School in Ireland?2019-09-14T19:52:09+01:00

ITEC Website Click on this link ITEC

Where can I find a VTCT Accredited Training School in Ireland?2019-09-14T19:50:47+01:00

VTCT Website  Click Here

Where can I find a CIBTAC Accredited Training School in Ireland?2019-09-14T19:46:08+01:00
What are your Rules and Regulations?2019-09-14T19:38:22+01:00

These are the Rules & Regulations which apply to ARCHTI Members.

What are the ARCHTI fees?2023-06-30T16:50:49+01:00

The only initial fee you are asked to pay is an Application Fee to process the information you have sent us and it is €15 for a maximum of 3 therapies requested for registration.
If you require more than 3 therapies to be registered, there is a charge of €5 for each additional therapy.

PLEASE NOTE: This application fee must be paid with all initial applications and it is non-refundable and is only paid once at the initial application stage.

If your application is successful, we will inform you and then you can join our Association by paying our Annual Membership Fee which is €80 if joining from 17th February for a full year.
Our fees then reduce if joining from 17th October the fee will be €40

What are the benefits of being an ARCHTI Member?2019-09-14T19:25:09+01:00

1. On your Business Cards and Stationery you can state you are a Member of ARCHTI thus lending even further credibility to your qualifications. You can use the letters ARCHTI after your name and you can also use our LOGO on your business stationery, brochures and website.

2. You get a FREE LISTING valued at €150.00 on our Website. Our well visited Website can give you lots of referrals.

3. You will receive our Newsletter “The Irish Pan Therapy News” keeping you up to date with any issues of importance and any new developments.

4. You will receive a free membership BADGE.

5. You can contact fellow ARCHTI Members from your own disciplines as well as other therapies and this has been found to be of tremendous help and support.

6. We have a most competitive Insurance Scheme available to Practitioners in Ireland today to cover Public Liability, Malpractice & Product Insurance. ARCHTI is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Balens, Bridge House, Portland Road, Malvern, WORCS. WR14 2TA, England, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

7. REFERRALS to Members from calls to our Office, from emails and our Website are an invaluable source of business to our Members.

8. Special Offers and Promotions from time to time.

9. Receive a 20% discount on general advertising with ARCHTI and get a FREE advertisement on your own ARCHTI website listing as well as show your image or branding.

Training Courses2019-11-28T20:48:14+00:00

Distance Learning/Home Study/Correspondence/eLearning Courses are NOT acceptable for registration with this Association nor for Practitioner Insurance Cover on our group scheme with Balens Insurances unless they are accompanied by in class tuition or workshops. They definitely are not acceptable for any “bodyworks” or hands on therapies.

Standards of Training required for ARCHTI Membership2019-09-14T19:23:08+01:00

For most mainstream Complementary Health Therapies the minimum standard of training is Diploma/Advanced level.

Training Schools/Colleges or Training Providers must have externally recognised accreditation such as ITEC, CIBTAC, BABTEC, VTCT, CIDESCO for example.
Other accredited or approved training can also be accepted.

Training Providers from countries outside of Ireland and the UK can also be accepted and all training regardless of where it is received will be at the discretion of ARCHTI.

How to I apply for Membership?2019-11-28T20:52:43+00:00

You are required to complete an Application Form and provide a copy of each of your qualifications, and current insurance policy (if any) and pay an application fee .
However, if you are applying to us for insurance you will be able to do so when your application has been accepted.

The application fee is €15 for a maximum of 3 therapies requested for registration.
Additional therapies cost €5 each and the total amount must be paid for at the time of application.

The application fee is non-refundable as it goes towards the cost of processing your application.

When we receive your application it will be acknowledged and a receipt for your payment will be sent to you.

When your therapies have been accepted for registration we will notify you and offer you Membership of ARCHTI.

The annual membership fee is €80 and is renewed each year on the 16th February. When you join during the year a sliding scale of quarterly charges apply.

Want to join? You can choose to apply online or download a form, complete and post it to us


How long does it take to process my membership application?2019-09-14T19:07:43+01:00

The length of time the process takes depends on many factors.

If all your qualifications have been taken with an accredited training school on our files then that is usually straightforward, however, if your training is from various sources or from a school outside of Ireland or in a non-English language then that process can take quite a while.

If you are a not an Irish or EU citizen you will be required to complete additional forms which you should ask us to send you.

If you omit required information then we will have to contact you to get it.

Most of our Officers and Committees are practicing full-time Therapists giving us their time voluntarily so please be patient and know that we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I renew my ARCHTI Membership?2019-09-14T19:06:51+01:00

All Memberships have a common renewal date of 16th February and you will be notified nearing that date.

How do I get listed on your website?2019-11-28T20:56:39+00:00

When you become a Member of ARCHTI you are offered a FREE listing on our website. You also receive referrals from queries to our office or from emails to us. Want to join?

How do I apply to have a New Therapy added to my existing membership file?2019-11-29T14:21:32+00:00

A New Therapy (or therapies) needs to be submitted to us using a special form and attaching a copy of your new qualification/s. It will be evaluated in the same way as your original therapies and, if approved, we will then advise you what to do next. There is €5 per new therapy charged for this service.

You can have this form posted or emailed to you or you can download it here


How do I apply for insurance?2024-12-31T14:41:26+00:00

When you accept our offer of Membership and pay the annual membership fee you will be given a Registered Membership Number.
This number will then be put on the insurance application forms which you will send to Balens Insurance.

In addition, you will need to attach copies of your qualifications to these insurance forms for the therapies accepted by ARCHTI and also send the appropriate premium payment for your therapies.

All the necessary forms are in our Information Pack or can be downloaded

Each part of the process is explained to you as your application progresses.

Our “insurance year” runs from the 17th of February every year until the 16th February the following year and the annual premium for standard therapies is shown on the forms provided with these links:
Download Insurance information for Rep.of Ireland. The premium for standard therapies for the year is 90euro.

For Nth.Ireland the insurance year is the same.

The premium for standard therapies for the year is equivalent of €90 in sterling.

Student Insurance for Case Studies for the same period for standard therapies is 30euro in Sth. Ireland and €30 in sterling in Nth. Ireland. The same forms are used as for full cover.

Complementary Therapy – An Information Guide for the Public2019-09-14T19:02:05+01:00

A leaflet for the public entitled Complementary Therapy – An Information Guide for the Public is available free of charge to members of the public from The Customer Services Desk of the Department of Health and Children, Hawkins House, Dublin, 2.

LoCall 1890 200311 or 01-6354000.

Can I apply for ARCHTI Membership online?2019-11-28T21:20:53+00:00

Therapists wishing to join ARCHTI can complete an online application form, upload copies of their qualifications and pay the appropriate application fee all at the same time by clicking on the link below or choosing from the “Forms” menu on our website.

Students wishing to join can use the same form, upload a receipt for the training they are taking or a letter from their School/College showing your name and the name of the training currently being taken.

The application fee is the same for fully qualified Therapists and Students.

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